Notice on the review and review of the copy ratio of doctoral and master's degree theses in the first half of 2024

Postgraduate training units on campus:

According to the Central South University of Economics and Law Doctoral and Master's Degree thesis Evaluation Management Measures (Trial) (Central South University of Economics and Law (2022) 1), Central South University of Economics and Law degree awarding work Measures (Central South University of Economics and Law (2017) 10) Central South University of Economics and Law Doctoral and Master's degree thesis quality management and supervision Measures (Central South University of Economics and Law (202) 1) No. 14) and other documents stipulate that the work arrangement for the review and review of the copy ratio of doctoral and master's theses in the first half of 2024 is as follows:

1. Review of copy ratio before dissertation defense

Each training unit should do a good job of the self-check of the text copy before submitting the dissertation for examination by March 9, 2024. According to the provisions of the reexamination service of the knowledge network, the number of self-examination of the degree thesis college applying for the degree in the first half of 2024 is 2 times per person, and the specific rules of use are determined by the training units. In order to avoid the waste of resources, the office of the university only conducts a review of the degree papers that exceed the self-test of the training unit. At the same time, all training units must do a good job in the management of testing accounts, and it is strictly prohibited to test non-university degree papers. Units and individuals that test off-campus papers in violation of regulations and cause their school accounts to be banned will be held accountable.

The reproduction ratio of doctoral and master's degree theses excluding published documents shall not exceed 15%. Among them, the paper test before the defense: 15%≤ the copy ratio of the dissertation text < 30%, the paper can be modified, after modification, it needs to be tested again, if it is still more than 15%, confirmed by peer experts, postpone the application for defense for half a year; 30%≤ the copy ratio of the dissertation text < 50%, after confirmation by the peer experts, postpone the application for defense for half a year; If the copy ratio of the dissertation is ≥50%, the applicant shall postpone the application for defense for one year after confirmation by the peer experts. If there is any objection to the test results, the individual shall apply and explain the reasons within 3 days after the results are issued. After being reviewed by the tutor, the tutor group and the training unit, the applicant shall apply to the Office for re-examination.

2. Normative review of dissertation format

Dissertation is the unity of form and content, and the standardization of form is also an important factor in the quality of dissertation. Graduate dissertation writing should follow the Zhongnan University of Economics and Law Graduate Dissertation writing Standards and relevant national standards.

All the doctoral and master's theses (excluding secret-related theses) applied for the degree in this semester should ensure that the form of theses is standardized and qualified before submission for review. Since the first half of 2021, the school has begun to trial the dissertation format detection robot to carry out formal normative testing of theses, and each training unit is responsible for urging students to complete it. The Graduate School will conduct a key sampling check on the final version of the dissertation, and those who fail to pass the sampling check will be suspended.

Detailed in the notice of the dissertation form specification test (

After each training unit completes the self-examination of the copy ratio and format standardization review of the dissertation before submitting it for examination, and with the consent of the degree applicant's supervisor and the supervisor group, the paper version of 2024 (1) List of degree Applicants (Before Defense) (Annex 2) will be submitted to the Office before March 15, and the electronic version will be sent to the Office of Yang Zhengsiqi and Lu Wei through the OA system.

3. Dissertation review

(1) Double blind evaluation requirements

The double-blind evaluation of graduate dissertations of our university is carried out by the Dissertation Quality Monitoring Service Platform of the Degree and Graduate Education Development Center of the Ministry of Education. All doctoral dissertations that pass the pre-examination before submission of dissertations shall be double-blind evaluated; double-certificate master dissertations that pass the pre-examination before submission of dissertations shall be randomly selected to participate in blind evaluation according to no less than 30% of the secondary disciplines (professional degree categories), and all documentary master dissertations shall participate in double-blind evaluation unconditionally. The time and arrangement of blind evaluation for double-certificate masters will be announced later.

After the random evaluation, the degree applicants will be selected for double-blind evaluation. The key double-blind evaluation objects are mainly the first batch and the second batch of applicants who plan to award master's degree in new majors and new tutors; Applicants for master's degrees who have been disciplined; Applicants for master's degree under the guidance of tutors with 6 or more graduate students in the current year; All master's degree applicants supervised by the supervisor who had quality problems in the dissertation supervised in the previous year; Master's degree applicants with a copy ratio of more than 15% of the dissertation test before defense; Postgraduate students who have exceeded the basic academic system; Other applicants for master's degree who are required to conduct spot checks according to their work needs.

(2) Description of the double-blind review materials to be submitted

The deadline for submission of the dissertation and related materials of the blind review version is March 20, and the consequences arising from late submission shall be borne by each unit. The required version of the degree paper for illiteracy examination (electronic version, PDF file format) should be arranged in accordance with the Hidden Format of the Graduate Degree Paper for Illiteracy Examination of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (Annex 3). All graduate students (including in-service master and the same degree applicants) upload the blind version of the dissertation through the Graduate management system (teacher-student side) - degree management - thesis review management - blind review submission.

(3) To train the evaluation of academic dissertations at the unit level

According to Article 12 of the Degree Awarding Work Measures of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, after accepting the defense application, the degree evaluation sub-committee of each training unit shall hire 3 experts from related disciplines as reviewers for the dissertation that has not participated in the double-blind evaluation according to the procedures, among which there shall be 1 expert from the external unit. There can be a maximum of one lecturer, and the advisor cannot be a reviewer of the paper.

Each training unit shall, before March 28, formulate its own 2024 (above) Training Unit to submit paper review expert Information Summary Form (Annex 4), and submit to the college office for record, the paper version shall be submitted to the College Office, and the electronic version shall be sent to the College Office Yang Zhengsiqi and Lu Wei through the OA system. In principle, the dissertation evaluation work should be completed in early May, and the evaluation results should be consistent with the double-blind evaluation results in principle.

(4) Revision of dissertation after evaluation

In order to implement the spirit of the documents such as the Opinions of the Academic Degrees Committee of The State Council and the Ministry of Education on Further Strictly Regulating the Quality Management of Academic Degrees and Postgraduate Education, the University attaches great importance to the feedback of the experts on dissertation evaluation, and has produced and issued the Quality Control Table of Dissertation (03 Revised After Review) (Annex 5), which is regarded as one of the archival materials of dissertation. And in the formal defense specially added double blind review after the modification report review link. The supervisor and the supervisor group should supervise the degree applicant to carefully revise the thesis with reference to the opinions, and resolutely eliminate the hidden dangers of the quality of the thesis.

4. Other information

(1) The University has formulated the Work Schedule for Pre-Defense of Academic Dissertation, Review and Review of Copy Ratio in 2024 (Part 1) (see Annex 1) for the reference of all training units, tutors and degree applicants.

(2) According to the Zhongnan University of Economics and Law Doctoral and Master's degree thesis Evaluation Management Measures (Trial) (Zhongnan University Degree Word (2022) 1) Chapter 2, Article 4, each training unit shall develop a pre-examination system before submitting a dissertation for examination. Each tutor group should fill in the 2024 (I) Dissertation Supervisor Group Pre-Examination Record Form (Annex 6) and submit it to each training unit for reference.

(3) Participating in double-blind evaluation of doctoral theses, master's theses can no longer participate in peer expert newsletter review. For the master's degree theses that have not been selected for double-blind evaluation, each training unit shall strictly check the quality of the theses in accordance with the relevant regulations of the school.

(4) All training units are requested to inform all graduate students and draw the attention of all supervisors: all dissertation authors, under the premise of carefully studying the basic spirit of the Ministry of Education's Measures for the Treatment of Fraudulent Conduct in Dissertation, write and improve their theses according to the requirements (including format and annotation requirements) of the university's Graduate Thesis Writing Standards (Degree Word [2017] 18).

(5) According to the spirit of the relevant documents for the selection and management of doctoral supervisors of the school, the master's supervisor is encouraged to actively recommend the master's degree thesis under his guidance to participate in the double-blind review.


1. Work schedule for pre-defense of dissertation, review of copy ratio and review in 2024 (above)

2.List of degree Applicants in 2024 (above) (before defense)

3. Zhongnan University of Economics and Law graduate degree on the hidden version of the illiterate review

4.2024 (above) The training unit submitted to the review of paper experts information summary table

5. Dissertation Quality Control Table (03 Modified after review)

6.2024 (above) Dissertation Supervisor group pre-examination record form

Graduate school

January 15, 2024